Posted by: pestinspectionsbrisbane | June 28, 2011

Are Mice A Bigger Problem In Winter?

Mice are one of the most annoying pests, they leave droppings throughout your house, they contaminate food, they can cause house fires by chewing through wiring and they can cause sickness in your family. Part of pest control knows your enemy, understanding their movements and using this knowledge against them. One key thing about mice is that they will often invade a house during winter, seeking warmth as it gets colder outside.
Therefore, you need to be especially wary at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, looking out for any signs that mice have decided to come and stay. First up, look for droppings, they produce up to 100 each a day, so it should not take long to spot. Check your attic, as this will be one of the first areas to get hit. The other thing you should look for is any damage on exposed food. Things like fruit are a fond choice of vermin and any fruit left out will get attacked.
If you have mice then the best thing you can do is act fast, prevent them from breeding. Block up any access points, buy traps, and most importantly, call a professional pest control agency.
Posted by: pestinspectionsbrisbane | June 15, 2011

Pest Control for Lice, Fleas and Bed Bugs

These are generally the parasites who feed off on the body of another animal. Lice, fleas and bed bugs are some of the common parasites of man. And all these insects are blood suckers and live on our blood.

These blood suckers do have some basic features. Bed bugs are brown in color. Bed bugs lives in mattresses, carpets and behind the furniture and all the luggage and accommodation. Fleas are dark red brown in color. Fleas favorite are armpits and behind the ears. They are easily seen by the naked eyes. Lice are dark grey in color. The lice moves slowly and spread though the direct contact.

They all have some symptoms to know their existence and infestation on the body. Lice can be recognized if somebody has itches on the head. Fleas are usually found on the feet and ankles so looking carefully on the socks, you can see these red brown worst enemies Bed bugs can also be detected as they show red brown movement on the bed sheets and pillows.

These external parasites are commonly found in the hair, skin or bedding material. Anywhere you could be trapped by these insects. The moment you stopped cleaning any location of your home, they get the opportunity to attack those areas and settled there forever. One needs to be careful in cleaning the home as no small corners should be left unclean as they should not get the chance of dwelling. Regular deep cleaning is must.

Getting rid of these tiny insects is not a child’s play. Some special measures are very useful to avoid them.  Pay special attention to the areas where insects can hide themselves. Proper sanitation is also a necessity for eradicating these blood sucking bugs.  Vacuum all the fabrics; this can remove many small creatures.  Wash the bedding in a week or fortnight regularly.

Lice can be treated at home with quality products. Flees and Bed bug can be treated by insecticides but these chemicals can be dangerous to the body so it  requires some pest control expert as treating them can be an uphill task. So there are some ways by which we can make our home do away from these small harmful creatures.

For more information on Pest control Qld, electronic pest control, Pest Control, domestic pest control and termite barriers by visiting –

Posted by: pestinspectionsbrisbane | June 7, 2011

Why Insects Have a Hard Time

You probably think you are having a hard time, keeping up payments on your mortgage, looking after the kids and meeting all the deadlines. While all of these are difficult, spare a thought for insects. While they do not have to worry about bills or need to remember their mother in laws birthday, they have an enormous variety of predators after them, including reptiles, birds, amphibians, mammals and even carnivorous plants, not to mention many of their own kind. In fact, being an insect is so deadly and dangerous that only about ten to twenty percent even make it to adulthood, with about fifty percent of this mortality rate due to predation.

To try to avoid being killed and eaten, many insects have developed complex defence mechanisms. Some have camouflaging, allowing them to blend into the background. Others actually use mimicry, of which there are two forms. In Batesian mimicry, an insect will look like another one that is poisonous, thus leading predators to think that it too is poisonous. Mullerian mimicry is when a number of species all adopt a colour that indicates they have the same bad taste or poisonous result. Others use chemical defences, often secreted onto the exoskeleton.

So next time you are worried about your life, remember the poor insect, attacked from every angle.

Find more articles from author on pest control topics like pest inspections Brisbane, pest control, dampwood termite and termite pest control Brisbane, See here –

Posted by: pestinspectionsbrisbane | June 2, 2011

What Is Metamorphosis Process

Throughout our lives, humans change. We start off as small and helpless creatures, grow to maturity and then grow older and frailer. However, we maintain our basic form throughout, with only minor variations. Insects and other creatures go through drastic physical changes, a process that is called metamorphosis.

Technically speaking a metamorphosis is when an animal develops physically after birth in a conspicuous and abrupt manner with the animal’s body undergoing dramatic cell growth and differentiation. However, it is probably more easily explained by example. Metamorphosis is when the caterpillar turns into a butterfly. Think of the dramatic change that occurs to the caterpillar’s body when it is inside the chrysalis, it goes from being a rotund creature that cannot fly to being an elegant creature of the sky.

All insects undergo metamorphosis, though not all go through the full process. There are two different forms of metamorphosis in insects, incomplete metamorphosis and complete metamorphosis. In the former, the nymph, as the first stage is called, has the same rough shape as the adult, but lacks certain elements, such as wings and is far smaller. Each time the creature moults, it gets much bigger quickly. With complete metamorphosis, the insect undergoes a total transformation. The butterfly is the perfect example of complete metamorphosis.

Find more about domestic and commercial pest control, including termite Australia, pest control Qld and White Ants by visiting –

Posted by: pestinspectionsbrisbane | May 21, 2011

Securing your Vineyard from Pests

Saving your vineyard from pests is like saving your investment from predators. Your hard work goes in vain if rodents, birds and other pests spoil the fruits especially if you are into commercial marketing of your products. Insects and at many places deer and other animals may also be a cause of concern although some of the insects will help in the pollination process and keep other small harmful insects at bay. But chances should not be taken in your vineyard as pollination can be done artificially with the same accuracy and efficiency as insects.

Your vineyard will give you an indication whenever it is plagued by the insects or other microorganisms. This can be checked if there is heavy downfall of leaves or a sudden change in the color of the leaves or stems. Egg laying by insets on leaves causes a big damage on the leaves as the pores for respiration are closed and the leaves die an early death. The best option to avoid this situation would be to spray the vineyard with insecticides and pesticides to keep insects and microorganisms at bay. Spraying the vineyard at regular intervals in consultation with a expert will be the best option.

Birds cause a heavy damage to the vineyard in terms of pecking at the early fruits and damaging the flowers along with the vine. To avoid this situation the vineyard can be covered with a net but in winters the net has to removed lest ice forms on it and does a damage to the vines. Another option is to scare the birds manually but that will be possible if a flock attacks the vineyard. With modern technology many gadgets have been introduced that will emit ultrasonic waves and scare the birds away. This is becoming the most popular and most cost efficient way of keeping birds at bay from your vineyard.

Animals like deer and cattle can be a big cause of concern but you can avoid them entering your vineyard by erecting fences all around the vineyard. Having a professional company take care of the pest control, if you have a big commercial vineyard will be the best option.

For more information on  Pest control Qld,  electronic pest control, Pest Control, domestic pest control and  termite barriers  by visiting –

Posted by: pestinspectionsbrisbane | May 12, 2011

Defence Mechanisms of Insects

Being an insect is tough work, they are predated upon by virtually every type of animal, from carnivorous plants through to mammals, from arachnids through to members of their own class. In response, many insects have developed a complex defence mechanism. There are a wide variety of different defence mechanisms around, many of which are quite amazing.

One of the more common forms of defence is hiding. The best known hiding insect would probably be the stick insect. They are able to blend in with their surroundings because they look exactly like them. It is really incredible how much they look like a stick.

Another type of defence mechanism is called mimicry. This is where an insect will look like another type of animal to scare of predators. Sometimes they will look like another insect that is poisonous and sometimes they will look like a different animal all together. Some butterflies have wings that make them look like owls from a distance.

Another form of defence is chemical. Some insects make a toxin that is poisonous to their predators, making them ill or even killing them if they eat the insect. Others secrete chemicals onto their exoskeleton, which makes them taste bad.

It is a dangerous world out there, but the insect is ready for it.

Get more articles from author about white ant treatment, Pest control Gold Coast, dampwood termite, termite barriers and sentricon termite baiting system, visit –

Posted by: pestinspectionsbrisbane | May 3, 2011

Are Dead Animals at Your Home after Flood

The flood waters were devastatingly powerful, ripping and wrenching at anything and everything. It’s amazing what has been washed where, as the waters recede the potent and invasive nature of the flooding was revealed. Unfortunately, most of what has been surged into homes is highly undesirable: sewerage, rubbish, and even dead animals.

One of the big concerns after a flood is always health and hygiene, so you need to clean your home thoroughly and remove any dead animals, but how do you make sure you have found all the dead animals?

The best thing is to start looking immediately and methodically. Start in the roof and work your way down through to the basement. Make sure that you have a powerful torch, a hammer, gloves and something to place any animals you find in. When you start looking you need to remember that the flood waters were so incredibly strong that the animal carcass could have been forced into extremely narrow or awkward gaps, so don’t assume anything, you need to be as thorough as you can be. Naturally, your nose will be one of your best tools, as the animal will have started to decay, giving off an unmistakably pungent odour.

Author writes about building and pest inspections Brisbane. Get more articles from author about Pest control Gold Coast, dampwood termite, termite inspection Brisbane and sentricon termite baiting system, Click-

Posted by: pestinspectionsbrisbane | April 26, 2011

How To Manage Ant Infestation

If you have an ant infestation then you need to move it, pronto. The best thing to do is to call your local pest control professionals as they can totally remove the infestation. However, if you want to do it yourself then there are a number of ways of going about this.

The best way involves a number of different tasks. The first thing you want to do is to find the ant colony. This is not too hard, all you have to do is follow the trail of ants back from the food.

Generally, the colony will be outside, or at least under your house.  Then you need to seal your house up as best you can. Use some form of silicon to seal any cracks or openings you can find.

Then you need to make up a mixture of vinegar and water and put it in a spray bottle. Use this liberally around the entire outside perimeter of your home, especially on any windows or door lintels. Then spray it on all your kitchen surfaces. Once you have done that, go out to the ant colony and pour pure vinegar down into it.

Not only is this method effective, but it does not use any harsh chemicals and it is relatively humane.

Find more about ant infestation, pest control Gold Coast, building inspection Brisbane, dampwood termite, termite barriers and sentricon termite baiting system, Click-

Posted by: pestinspectionsbrisbane | April 24, 2011

Why Roaches Love Beer

Everyone knows a couple of interesting and quirky facts about cockroaches. There are so many of them out there, from the spooky but true fact that they can survive a nuclear holocaust right through to them being one of the oldest species of insects on the planet.
You might know these and many other crazy cockroach facts, but did you know that they love beer? That is right, beer. Cockroaches, American cockroaches, not German ones, love beer. Just like Australians.

The exact reason they love beer is unknown, though it is speculated that it is a combination of the alcohol itself and the mixture of hops and sugar that attracts them. Whatever it is, they love it. While this is an interesting fact on its own, it is also a useful piece of information in the war against cockroaches, for, as Sun Tsu said, know your enemy.

One way of capturing and killing roaches is to use deep jars with beer in the bottom of them. All you do is place the jar so that a cockroach can access the opening, by having something running up to the rim or over it, and pouring a couple of centimetres of beer in the bottom. The roach will want to get the beer and will jump in the jar, where it will drown in the beer.

Now you can learn more about pest control Qld, including termite Australia, Fleas and White Ants visit

Posted by: pestinspectionsbrisbane | April 11, 2011

Mice Sniff Better Than Dogs

We are all accustomed to the sight of sniffer dogs working at airports looking for explosives, drugs and contraband foodstuffs, or on the job in disaster zones and in the bush looking for people who need help. The canine olfactory capacity is legendary, yet a little known fact is that mice are actually more accurate when it comes to detecting scent. While dogs have 756 olfactory receptor genes, mice have 1120, giving them a more acute sense of smell.

This was not known until recently when a group of Israeli scientists began testing mice. They found that mice had incredibly sensitive and discerning olfactory capabilities. This has led to the adoption of mice at airports, where they use them to sniff for explosives.

An Israeli company has begun selling an arch much like the ones we are all used to walking through, though instead of containing electronics and chemical detection agents, it has three cartridges with eight mice each. When the mice sniff explosives, they move from the central chamber through to another chamber. If a mouse from each cartridge moves through to the second chamber, the alarm is tripped and a closer inspection of the individual is required.

Not only are the mice more accurate, they are also easier to look after, requiring less handler care than dogs.

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